Ryan’s Soccer School is a children’s program that focuses on having FUN in a non-competitive environment, building positive relationships and using an age-appropriate curriculum. RSS is great for any child aged 2 – 8 years old who is looking to learn the sport or continue to develop his/her soccer skills. We use an engaging approach that encourages player development and focuses on simplifying the game for all children. Our goal is to help each child develop gross motor skills, socialization skills, self-confidence and be successful in each class they attend.

Each class focuses on one new skill topic, these “skills” differ from age to age and class to class. Objectives for this new skill are introduced early and often to ensure that all the children are mastering the skill of the day. In conjunction with children experiencing success and gaining confidence, it is our aim for each child to continually develop these new skills throughout the session. 

What’s Important

  • Environment 

  • Building Positive Relationships 

  • Individual Skill Development 

The Environment  

Ryan creates a fun and non-competitive environment for all children, no matter their current skill level. During each session, Ryan will take the time to understand how the children differ physically and cognitively to ensure that each one is learning at their own speed. In this positive environment, each player should feel part of the group and be able to achieve success throughout the class and session. 

Building Positive Relationships  

The goal is to create an environment that is welcoming to each child and foster a love for soccer. In doing this, we need to be enthusiastic, expressive and energetic and understand that communication is key in building a positive relationship with each child. Ryan uses age-appropriate language and positive reinforcement and always infuses fun while coaching. 

Individual Skill Development  

In each class, age-appropriate curriculum is presented and designed to help the children develop a strong skill set. Each skill will be introduced in a friendly and simple way so that players, regardless of age and ability, can understand and perform.


Early Childhood: Motor Development (2-3yrs)  

In this phase, the coach will focus on gross motor skills such as running, jumping and kicking. Each class will have a theme shown through a large picture card to help keep each child engaged. The theme will also help connect the players to the skill. The coach will use imagery as a tool to help the children become more familiar with the different equipment, their peers and the coach. The skills introduced in this phase will focus on mobility, body awareness and coordination which improves balance and stability. 

FUNdamentals: Cognitive and Skill focused (3-5yrs)  

In the FUNdamental phase, we will continue to work on focuses from early childhood but now incorporate cognitive and skills activities. Ryan will guide players through dynamic activities and dramatic play to develop motor skills and soccer specific skills. Classes will include partner activities to promote sharing, listening, respect and cooperation. Physical activities will include energetic movements like running, skipping, jumping and kicking.

Learning the Game: Skill and Technique (5-8yrs) 

In this phase, the focus will be on teaching the game and proper technique that each player needs to be successful in playing a game of soccer. When teaching soccer, our aim is to improve children’s elementary capacity through fun games, technical development and group activities. Focusing on proper technique creates good habits, muscle memory and appropriate instincts in preparation for game-related situations. Ryan will guide players through rhythmic movement, physical and socialization exercises while using highly adaptable lesson plans and age-appropriate terminology to fit the needs of the specific class.


With almost two decades of experience coaching youth soccer and two young boys of his own, Coach Ryan has the experience and temperament to deal with any situation and resolve things quickly and positively.



The Bellwether School (1186 S. Brownell Rd, Williston, VT 05495)





2 – 3 YEARS


5/3, 5/10, 5/17, 5/24

9:00am - 9:40am

For all 4 classes: $140



3 – 5 YEARS


5/3, 5/10, 5/17, 5/24

9:45am - 10:30am

For all 4 classes: $140



4 – 5 YEARS


5/3, 5/10, 5/17, 5/24

10:35am - 11:25am

For all 4 classes: $140



5 – 8 YEARS


5/3, 5/10, 5/17, 5/24

11:30am - 12:30pm

For all 4 classes: $140